Abstract. We define algebraic families of (all) morphisms which are purely algebraic analogs of quantum families of (all) maps introduced by P.M. So ltan. Also, algebraic families of (all) isomorphisms are introduced. By using these notions we construct two classes of Hopf-algebras which may be interpreted as the quantum group of all maps from a finite space to a quantum group, and the quantum group of all automorphisms of a finite NC space. As special cases three classes of NC objects are introduced: quantum group of gauge transformations, Pontryagin dual of a quantum group, and Galois-Hopf-algebra of an algebra extension.
IntroductionOur work is based on the extension to the noncommutative setting of the following picture. Let X and Y be compact Hausdorff spaces. If S is a Hausdorff space then there is a canonical one-to-one correspondence between continuous maps f : S × X → Y and continuous families f = {f (s, ?)} s∈S of continuous maps from X to Y with parameter space S. Moreover, by Exponential Law of Topology, there is a canonical homeomorphismwhere the mapping spaces are endowed with compact-open topology. Indeed, the family of all continuous maps from X to Y , that is the familyē induced by the evaluation map e : Y X × X → Y defined by e(a, x) = a(x), and the space Y X are completely characterized by the following universal property.For every Hausdorff space S and any continuous map f : S × X → Y there is a unique continuous mapf that makes the following diagram commutative.In the context of NC Geometry and Operator Algebra P.M. So ltan [15] and S.L. Woronowicz [21] have introduced the notion of quantum space of all maps between two C*-algebraic NC spaces. To define this notion they used the C*-dual of the above universal property: For two quantum spaces QA and QB, a quantum space QC together with a *-homomorphism φ : B → A ⊗ C is called the quantum family of all maps from QA to QB if for every *-homomorphism ψ : B → A ⊗ D, between C*-algebras, there is a unique *-homomorphism ψ : C → D satisfying (id A ⊗ψ)φ = ψ. So ltan [15] has showed that such universal C*-algebra C and *-homomorphism φ exist when QA is a finite quantum space i.e. A is a finite 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 16T05, 16T10, 16T20, 58B34.