We analyze the Bose-Hubbard model with a three-body hardcore constraint by mapping the system to a theory of two coupled bosonic degrees of freedom. We find striking features that could be observable in experiments, including a quantum Ising critical point on the transition from atomic to dimer superfluidity at unit filling, and a continuous supersolid phase for strongly bound dimers.Experiments with atomic quantum degenerate gases representing strongly interacting systems have reached a level of precision where quantitative tests of elaborate many-body theories have become possible [1][2][3][4][5]. In the interplay between experiment and theory, the challenge is now to identify realistic models where quantum fluctuations lead to qualitatively new features beyond mean field in quantum phases and phase transitions. We study below the Bose-Hubbard model with a three-body constraint, which arises naturally due to a dynamic suppression of three-body loss of atoms occupying a single lattice site [6,7], and can also be engineered via other methods [8]. This constraint stabilizes the system when two-body interactions are attractive, allowing for the formation of dimers -bound states of two atoms. The phase diagram then contains a dimer superfluid (DSF) phase connected to a conventional atomic superfluid (ASF). Remarkably, this simple but realistic model shows several nongeneric features, which are uniquely tied to the three-body constraint and could be observed with cold gases: (i) Emergence of an Ising quantum critical point (QCP) on the ASF-DSF phase transition line as a function of densitywhich generically is preempted by the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism [9], where quantum fluctuations drive the phase transition first order [10][11][12], with a finite correlation length; and (ii) A bicritical point [13] in the strongly correlated regime, which is characterized by energetically degenerate orders, in our case coexistence of superfluidity and a charge-density wave, representing a "continuous supersolid" with clear experimental signatures.Below we describe the constrained model, and then present a new analytical formalism for a unified treatment of onsite constraints in bosonic lattice models, based on an exact requantization of the Gutzwiller mean field theory. This allows for an analytical treatment of the phenomena arising here. At the end we discuss the experimental signatures of the latter.Constrained model -We consider the Bose-Hubbard model on a d-dimensional cubic lattice with a three-body onsite hardcore constraint, (1) where i, j denotes summation over nearest neighbors, J is the hopping matrix element, µ the chemical potential, and U the onsite two-body interaction. The three-body constraint stabilizes the attractive bosonic many-body system with U < 0, which we focus on here.The phase diagram of this model is shown in Fig. 1. The dominant phases are an ASF with order parameters a i = 0 and a 2 i = 0, and a DSF with a 2 i = 0 but a i = 0, formed at sufficiently strong interatomic attraction U . In the Gutzwille...