We consider interacting particles in an external harmonic potential. We extend the 8 = 0 case of the generalized Kohn theorem, giving a "harmonic-potential theorem" (HPT), demonstrating rigid, arbitrary-amplitude, time-oscillatory Schrodinger transport of a many-body eigenfunction.We show analytically that the time-dependent local-density approximation (TDLDA) satisfies the HPT exactly. Other approximations, such as linearized TDLDA with frequency-dependent exchange correlation kernel and certain inhomogeneous hydrodynamic formalisms, do not. A simple modification permits such explicitly frequency-dependent local theories to satisfy the HPT, however. PACS numbers: 71.45.6m, 21.10.Re, 73.20.Dx, 73.20.Mf The Kohn theorem [1] concerns particles of mass m, and charge e with arbitrary momentum-conserving interactions plus a static external B field: It states that linear response to a uniform electric field Eo exp( -itot) yields a sharp resonance at to = co, = eB/mc, corresponding to cyclotron motion of the center of mass. Brey et al. [2] added an external scalar harmonic potential V,",(r) = Kz2/2 extending throughout all space. Their result (the "generalized Kohn theorem" or "GKT") also predicts sharp resonances for a uniform exciting field. In the electron-gas context, the static external harmonic potential can be generated, via Poisson s equation, by a uniform positive charge background extending throughout space, with charge density eno = aK/4n e, and this can be mimicked in GaA1As quantum wells, wires, and dots [2 -6]. (Here a is the background medium's relative dielectric constant. ) This paperconcerns only the case B = 0, for which the single GKT resonance frequency coo = (K/m*)'I2 is also equal to the plasma frequency at~= (4n. noe2/em*)'t~c orresponding to the fictitious background density no. The GKT resonance then corresponds to a "sloshing" or transverse plasmon motion of the electron gas.Note that the GKT does not apply to a charge-neutral electron gas as in a neutral metal slab of finite thickness: There the electron gas samples the nonparabolic linear region of external potential lying just outside the jellium edge [4].There is a fundamental difference between systems covered by the original Kohn theorem and those covered by the GKT: Unlike a B field, the harmonic scalar potential confines the density spatially so that, in the context of Coulomb-interacting systems, the GKT applies exactly to bounded, non-neutral electron gases with strong edge inhomogeneities [4]. The GKT is thus one of the few exact results known for the dynamic properties of an inhomogeneous, interacting many-particle system. We will show here that a slightly generalized GKT provides an interesting constraint on the general form of approximate theories of time-dependent phenomena in arbitrary inhomogeneous interacting systems. The GKT Hamiltonian for B = 0 with a spatially homogeneous time-dependent driving field E = F(t)/e-1S H(r~, r2, . . . , rtv t) = Ho -F(t) g.r, , H() = g=l h-'&al + -r) K. r, 2m (ar, ) 2 ' + V((r, -r, J). (2) Con...