By exploiting our recently derived exact formula for the Lindhard polarization function in the presence of Bychkov-Rashba ͑BR͒ and Dresselhaus ͑D͒ spin-orbit interaction ͑SOI͒, we show that the interplay of different SOI mechanisms induces highly anisotropic modifications of the static dielectric function. We find that under certain circumstances the polarization function exhibits doubly singular behavior. It leads to an intriguing phenomenon, beating of Friedel oscillations, which can be controlled by external fields. This effect is a general feature of systems with BR+ D SOI and should be observed in structures with a sufficiently strong SOI. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.81.205314 PACS number͑s͒: 71.70.Ej, 72.10.Ϫd, 72.20.Ϫi, 72.25.Ϫb Spin-orbit interaction ͑SOI͒ is of great interest for spintronic applications.1,2 Electron spin is not conserved in the presence of SOI, which allows for purely electric manipulation of spins. 3,4 In conjunction with other carrier scattering mechanisms, SOI leads to intriguing phenomena. One of the major findings is the detection of the spin Hall effect, 5-8 predicted long ago as an outcome of the interplay between SOI and electron-impurity scattering. 9 In turn, electronelectron scattering mediates mutual transformations of spin and charge currents, occurring due to spin Coulomb drag in individual layers 10,11 and due to spin Hall drag 12 in electronic bilayers.In zinc-blende semiconductor nanostructures the interplay between different mechanisms of SOI can itself have crucial consequences. In the presence of both Bychkov-Rashba 13 ͑BR͒ and Dresselhaus 14 ͑D͒ SOI the system possesses C 2v symmetry. The BR coupling strength ␣ depends largely on the asymmetry of structure while the D coupling  varies mainly with the thickness of structure. In the special case when the BR and D SOI strengths are adjusted 15,16 to be equal, even higher SU͑2͒ symmetry occurs in the system 17 and various relaxation 18 and optical 19 properties of the system turned out to be identical to those in the absence of SOI. A remarkable demonstration of such suppression of SOI is the fresh experimental realization 20 of the persistent spin helix.Another distinct manifestation of the interplay of BR and D mechanisms is the SOI-induced anisotropy of the singleparticle spectrum, which modifies spin relaxation and transport properties of the system. [21][22][23] Recently we have studied the influence of that anisotropy on the many-body response of a two-dimensional electron system ͑2DES͒.24 Our calculations have revealed a fine structure of the plasmon spectrum, which produces a striking asymmetric doublet of the structure factor versus momentum orientation. The joint action of BR and D SOI leads to dependence of the interchirality particle-hole continuum on direction. Thus, the plasmon propagation may be free in one direction, but strongly damped in a different direction, where the plasmon dispersion enters the particle-hole continuum. This creates a possibility of directional plasmon filtering, potentially useful ...