A suitable way of quantifying work for microscopic quantum systems has been constantly debated in the field of quantum thermodynamics. One natural approach is to measure the average increase in energy of an ancillary system, called the battery, after a work extraction protocol. The quality of energy extracted is usually argued to be good by quantifying higher moments of the energy distribution, or by restricting the amount of entropy to be low. This limits the amount of heat contribution to the energy extracted, but does not completely prevent it. We show that the definition of 'work' is crucial. If one allows for a definition of work that tolerates a non-negligible entropy increase in the battery, then a small scale heat engine can possibly exceed the Carnot efficiency. This can be done without using any additional resources such as coherence or correlations, and furthermore can be achieved even when one of the heat baths is finite in size. Recently, a number of schemes for QHEs have been proposed and analyzed, involving systems such as ion traps, photocells, or optomechanical systems [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. Some of these schemes lie outside the usual heat engine setting (see figure 1). For example, instead of using a hot and cold bath, the extended quantum heat engine (EQHE) has access to reservoirs which are not in a thermal state [3,11,12]. In this case, EQHE with high efficiencies (even surpassing h C ) have been proposed and demonstrated. Nevertheless, [13] has pointed out that the second law is, strictly speaking, never violated because one always has to invest extra work in order to create and replenish these non-thermal reservoirs. Nevertheless, the study of using such non-thermal reservoirs can still be of interest, since they potentially may boost other features of the heat engine, such as the rate of extracting work. However, in this manuscript we are focusing on the standard setting of a QHE, in which the baths are thermal, where in classical thermodynamics, it is proven that although CE can be approached, it can never be surpassed [14].Even without additional resources such as those in EQHEs, QHEs are already radically different from classical engines, since energy fluctuations are much more prominent due to the small number of particles involved. The laws of thermodynamics for small quantum systems are more restrictive due to finite-size effects [14][15][16][17][18][19]. It is known that such second laws introduce additional restrictions on the performance of QHEs [14]. Specifically, not all QHEs can even achieve the CE. The maximal achievable efficiency depends not only on the temperatures, but also on the Hamiltonian structure of the baths involved. Furthermore, considering a probabilistic approach towards work extraction, [20] found that the achievement of CE is very unlikely, when considering energy fluctuations in the microregime.Can we design a QHE that operates between genuinely thermal reservoirs and yet achieves a high efficiency 5 ? To answer this, several protocols have been propos...