This paper is an introduction to relationships between quantum topology and quantum computing. In this paper we discuss unitary solutions to the YangBaxter equation that are universal quantum gates, quantum entanglement and topological entanglement, and we give an exposition of knot-theoretic recoupling theory, its relationship with topological quantum field theory and apply these methods to produce unitary representations of the braid groups that are dense in the unitary groups. Our methods are rooted in the bracket state sum model for the Jones polynomial. We give our results for a large class of representations based on values for the bracket polynomial that are roots of unity. We make a separate and self-contained study of the quantum universal Fibonacci model in this framework. We apply our results to give quantum algorithms for the computation of the colored Jones polynomials for knots and links, and the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariant of three manifolds.
IntroductionThis paper describes relationships between quantum topology and quantum computing. It is a modified version of Chapter 14 of our book [18] and an expanded version of [58]. Quantum topology is, roughly speaking, that part of low-dimensional topology that interacts with statistical and quantum physics. Many invariants of knots, links and three dimensional manifolds have been born of this interaction, and the form of the invariants is closely related to the form of the computation of amplitudes in quantum mechanics. Consequently, it is fruitful to move back and forth between quantum topological methods and the techniques of quantum information theory.We sketch the background topology, discuss analogies (such as topological entanglement and quantum entanglement), show direct correspondences between certain topological operators (solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation) and universal quantum gates. We then describe the background for topological quantum computing in terms of Temperley-Lieb (we will sometimes abbreviate this to T L) recoupling theory. This is a recoupling theory that generalizes standard angular momentum recoupling theory, generalizes the Penrose theory of spin networks and is inherently topological. Temperley-Lieb recoupling Theory is based on the bracket polynomial model [37,44] for the Jones polynomial. It is built in terms of diagrammatic combinatorial topology. The same structure can be explained in terms of the SU (2) q quantum group, and has relationships with functional integration and Witten's approach to topological quantum field theory. Nevertheless, the approach given here will be unrelentingly elementary. Elementary, does not necessarily mean simple. In this case an architecture is built from simple beginnings and this archictecture and its recoupling language can be applied to many things including, e.g. colored Jones polynomials, Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants of three manifolds, topological quantum field theory and quantum computing.In quantum computing, the application of topology is most interesting...