We prove the long-standing conjecture on the coset construction of the minimal series principal W -algebras of ADE types in full generality. We do this by first establishing Feigin's conjecture on the coset realization of the universal principal W -algebras, which are not necessarily simple. As consequences, the unitarity of the "discrete series" of principal W -algebras is established, a second coset realization of rational and unitary W -algebras of type A and D are given and the rationality of Kazama-Suzuki coset vertex superalgebras is derived. 1 this difficulty by establishing the following assertion that has been conjectured by B. Feigin (cf. [FJMM16]).Main Theorem 2 (Theorem 8.7). Let g be simply laced, k + h ∨ ∈ Q 0 , and define ℓ ∈ C by the formula (1). We have the vertex algebra isomorphismMoreover, W ℓ (g) and V k+1 (g) form a dual pair in V k (g)⊗L 1 (g) if k is generic.The advantage of replacing W ℓ (g) by the universal W -algebra W ℓ (g) lies in the fact that one can use the description of W ℓ (g) in terms of screening operators, at least for a generic ℓ. Using such a description, we are able to establish the statement of Main Theorem 2 for deformable families [CL19] of W ℓ (g) and (V k (g)⊗L 1 (g)) g [t] , see Section 8 for the details. The main tool here is a property of the semi-regular bimodule obtained in [Ara14], see Proposition 3.4.