Weak values arise in quantum theory when the result of a weak measurement is conditioned on a subsequent strong measurement. The majority of the trials are discarded, leaving only very few successful events. Intriguingly those can display a substantial signal ampli cation. This raises the question of whether weak values carry potential to improve the performance of quantum sensors, and indeed a number of impressive experimental results suggested this may be the case. By contrast, recent theoretical studies have found the opposite: using weak-values to obtain an ampli cation generally worsens metrological performance. This survey summarises the implications of those studies, which call for a reappraisal of weak values' utility and for further work to reconcile theory and experiment.
Weak measurements vs. weak valuesA quantum weak measurement is a procedure whereby only a little bit of information about a quantum system is obtained; as a consequence, the system is only disturbed a little. This is in contrast to the usual strong measurements, which give a lot of information but in ict a large disturbance on the system. Imagine the needle on a poor-quality analogue voltmeter, which twitches or de ects in response to an electrical signal. In a weak measurement, the amount of deection is only loosely correlated with the true voltagebecause the needle also twitches about randomly. The expected value of the de ection, however, is precisely the true voltage.Physically, a weak measurement can be implemented by introducing a weak interaction between the system of interest and an ancillary meter degree of freedom [1,2]. Consider the following interaction Hamiltonian between system and meter:where g is a scalar quantity, A is the operator associated with the relevant system observable, and P is an operator e ecting a shift of the meter variable. The dynamics induced by this Hamiltonian (we assume it is switched on and o again instantaneously) will build up correlations between the system and meter. The degree of correlations, or the 'measurement strength' can be controlled for example by changing g; with strong and weak limits being attained when g → ∞ and g → , respectively. Owing to these correlations, a subsequent measurement on the meter alone may reveal information about the system. The back-action imparted to the system can be understood by examining the e ective measurement operators of the system (sometimes called POVM, or positive operator values measure elements [3]): strong measurement operators are projective, giving maximal information but also imparting the largest back-action. Intermediate strength measurements impart less back-action but give less information. In the limit of a vanishing interaction, the POVM elements become proportional to the identity matrix, and no measurement is performed at all. As long as a measurement of some nite strength is performed, however, the average de ection will reveal the true voltage with increasing precision. Weak measurements have become part of the standard too...