Starting with a quantum logic (a tr-orthomodular poset) L, a set of probabilistically motivated axioms is suggested to identify L with a standard quantum logic L(H) of all closed linear subspaces of a complex, separable, infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. Attention is paid to recent results in this field.In the framework of the axiomatic approach known as the "quantum logic approach" it is usually assumed that a "quantum logic," that is, a mathematical representation of the set of all experimentally verifiable propositions about a physical system (equivalently, the set of all random events of a physical experiment), is a tr-orthomodular poset with a full set of states (i.e., generalized probability measures). Let us introduce the corresponding definitions.Definition 1. A tr-orthomodular poset (tr-OMP) is a partially ordered set (L, <--) with a smallest element 0 and a greatest element 1 with the following properties:(1) L carries a bijective map a ~ a' such that for every a, b e L, a" =a,a--b',ava' = l, aAa' = 0 (in the sense that the join a v a' and the meet a A a' both exist and have the value indicated).