The competition between spin-orbit coupling λ and electron-electron interaction U leads to a plethora of novel states of matter, extensively studied in the context of t 4 2g and t 5 2g materials, such as ruthenates and iridates. Excitonic magnets -the antiferromagnetic state of bounded electron-hole pairs -is a prominent example of phenomena driven by those competing energy scales. Interestingly, recent theoretical studies predicted that excitonic magnets can be found in the ground-state of spin-orbit-coupled t 4 2g Hubbard models. Here, we present a detailed computational study of the magnetic excitations in that excitonic magnet, employing one-dimensional chains (via density matrix renormalization group) and small two-dimensional clusters (via Lanczos). Specifically, first we show that the low-energy spectrum is dominated by a dispersive (acoustic) magnonic mode, with extra features arising from the λ = 0 state in the phase diagram. Second, and more importantly, we found a novel magnetic excitation forming a high-energy optical mode with the highest intensity at wavevector q → 0. In the excitonic condensation regime at large U , we also have found a novel high-energy π-mode composed solely of orbital excitations. These unique fingerprints of the t 4 2g excitonic magnet are important in the analysis of neutron and RIXS experiments.