Prolongation of vase life of cut lilies (Lilium orientalis cv. 'Shocking') was studied in vase containing 5, 15, 25, 35 ppm of nano-silver solutions and deionised water as control under controlled conditions. All nano-silver treatments extended the longevity of cut flowers in comparison to control but the concentration of 35 ppm showed the highest vase solution uptake, initial fresh weight and lowest bacteria colony during first two days of vase life. Plant or bacteria extract did not affect nano-particles stability. The use of nano-silver particles at 35 ppm is recommended to improve postharvest life of Lilium orientalis cv. 'Shocking'. Keywords: Lilium; vascular occlusion; nano-silver; bacteria.Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Nemati, S.H., Esfandiyari, B., Tehranifar, A., Rezaei, A. and Ashrafi, S.J. (2014) 'Effect of nano-silver particles on postharvest life of Lilium orientalis cv. 'Shocking'', Int.