Matter fields are supertranslated upon crossing a shock wave, which leads to entanglement of the quantum vacuum between the two regions on either side of the shock wave. We probe this entanglement for a scalar field in a planar shock wave background by computing the Bogoliubov transformation between the inertial and uniformly accelerated observer. The resulting Bogoliubov coefficients are shown to reproduce the standard Unruh effect without dependence on the form factor of the shock wave. In contrast, excited states lead to observables that depend upon the form factor. In the context of nonspherical gravitational collapse, we comment that the angular dependence of the limiting advanced time leads to similar supertranslation effects that do not affect the Hawking spectrum but do affect scattering amplitudes.1 While a quantum completion of Einstein gravity in four-dimensional asymptotically flat spacetimes that would allow detailed computations is still far from reach, describing universal properties of Einstein gravity as a quantum low energy effective theory is possible with current techniques. The laws of black hole thermodynamics are early milestones in this endeavor, which, in particular, include Hawking's radiation and paradox [1] and the Bekenstein-Hawking area law [1][2][3]. Another universal result is the graviton dominance of high energy scattering at small deflection angles [4-8] that is described classically by a collision of shock waves [9]. Recently, a new universal property of gravity was uncovered in the infrared sector close to null infinity [10-12]: a triangular relationship exists between the displacement memory effect [13][14][15][16], the leading soft graviton theorem [17] and supertranslation asymptotic symmetries [18][19][20], see the reviews [21,22]. Displacement memory is caused by hard (i.e. finite energy) processes reaching null infinity that can be either a change of Bondi mass [13], null matter radiation [15,16] or gravitational waves [14]. Displacement memory effectively amounts to a shift of a canonical variable defined at null infinity by a supertranslation asymptotic symmetry [12]. As a result, hard processes at null infinity are accompanied by soft (i.e. infinitely low energy) processes that are mimicked by a zero energy process: a supertranslation asymptotic symmetry. This mimicking can arise because of the infrared limit taken at null infinity. In the bulk of spacetime, a supertranslation can be induced by a shock wave [23]. For planar shock waves, probes encounter a permanent displacement shift upon crossing. This has led to define the concept of soft radiation away from the infrared limit as (exactly zero energy) large diffeomorphisms (or large gauge transformations) acting in the bulk of spacetime. In particular, it led to the definition of black holes with soft hair implants . Furthermore, it has been pointed out that soft hair may bear on the black hole information paradox [12,25] and that quantum purity might be restored in principle by correlations between the hard and sof...