Abstract.We discuss recent work with the diffusion quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method in its application to molecular systems. The formal correspondence of the imaginary time Schrodinger equation to a diffusion equation allows one to calculate quantum mechanical expectation values as Monte Carlo averages over an ensemble of random walks. 'rVe report work on atomic and molecular total energies, as well as properties including electron affinities, bind ing energies, reaction barriers, and momen ts of the electronic charge distribution. A brief discussion is given on how standard QMC must be modified for calculating properties. Calculated energies and properties are presented for a number of molecular systems, including He, F, F-, H 2 , N, and N 2 . Recent progress in extending the basic QMC approach to the calculation of "analytic" (as opposed to finite-difference) derivatives of the energy is presented, together with an H2 potential-energy curve obtained using analytic derivatives.