As the Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) technology supporting the pointto-point application matures, the need to build the Quantum Secure Communication Network (QSCN) to guarantee the security of a large scale of nodes becomes urgent. Considering the project time and expense control, it is the first choice to build the QSCN based on an existing classical network. Suitable modeling and simulation are very important to construct a QSCN successfully and efficiently. In this paper, a practical QSCN model, which can reflect the network state well, is proposed. The model considers the volatile traffic demand of the classical network and the real key generation capability of the QKD devices, which can enhance the accuracy of simulation to a great extent. In addition, two unique QSCN performance indicators, ITS (information-theoretic secure) communication capability and ITS communication efficiency, are proposed in the model, which are necessary supplements for the evaluation of a QSCN except for those traditional performance indicators of classical networks. Finally, the accuracy of the proposed QSCN model and the necessity of the proposed performance indicators are verified by plentiful simulations results. characteristics of QSCN. Sec. 3 describes the practical QSCN model by proposes traffic generation module, key generation module and two performance indicators. Sec. 4 designs a simulation to analyze the network performance in detail based on the QSCN model. Sec. 5 concludes this study and outlines the future works.
Definition of quantum secure communication networkIn many studies, both terms of QSCN and QKD network are used to indicate the communication network based on QKD device. For the sake of better argument, QKD network is defined as a set of infrastructures for generating ITS key based on the laws of quantum mechanics [30] in this paper. The QSCN is defined as a network that provides the secure communication service utilizing the keys generated by QKD network. In order to achieve the ITS secure communication, the one-time-pad (OTP) encryption algorithm is adopted in the performance analysis in this paper. If ITS is not pursued in an application, the popular encryption algorithms, such as AES, DES and etc., are also acceptable. The QSCN consists of two parts: QKD network and classical network [31], shown as Fig. 1. Fig. 1 Hierarchical diagram of QSCN