In the lore of quantum metrology, one often hears (or reads) the following no-go theorem: If you put vacuum into one input port of a balanced Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, then no matter what you put into the other input port, and no matter what your detection scheme, the sensitivity can never be better than the shot noise limit (SNL). Often the proof of this theorem is cited to be in Ref. [C. Caves, Phys. Rev. D 23, 1693(1981], but upon further inspection, no such claim is made there. A quantum-Fisher-information-based argument suggestive of this no-go theorem appears in Ref. [M. Lang and C. Caves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 173601 (2013)], but is not stated in its full generality. Here we thoroughly explore this no-go theorem and give the rigorous statement: the nogo theorem holds whenever the unknown phase shift is split between both arms of the interferometer, but remarkably does not hold when only one arm has the unknown phase shift. In the latter scenario, we provide an explicit measurement strategy that beats the SNL. We also point out that these two scenarios are physically different and correspond to different types of sensing applications.Introduction.-In the field of quantum metrology [1][2][3], a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is a tried and true workhorse that has the additional advantage that any result obtained for it also applies to a Michelson interferometer (MI) and hence has a potential application to gravitational wave detection. In most current implementations of gravitational wave detectors, the MI is fed with a strong coherent state of light in one input port and vacuum in the other (Fig. 1). It was in this context that Caves in 1981 [4] showed that such a design would always only ever achieve the shotnoise limit (SNL). Then he showed if you put squeezed vacuum into the unused port, you could beat the SNL. Several implementations of this squeezed vacuum scheme have already been demonstrated in the GEO 600 gravitational detector, and plans are underway to utilize this approach in the LIGO and VIRGO detectors in the future [5,6].It then appeared, that in the lore of quantum metrology, this result was extended -without proof -to the following no-go theorem: If you put quantum vacuum into one input port of a balanced MZI, then no matter what quantum state of light you put into the other input port, and no matter what your detection scheme, the sensitivity can never be better than the SNL. Often the proof of this theorem is cited to be the original 1981 paper by Caves [4], but upon further inspection, no such general claim is made there. A quantum-Fisherinformation-based argument suggestive of this no-go theorem appeared in Ref. [7] by Lang and Caves, but it does not explore the statement in adequate generality.In this work, we give a full statement of the no-go theorem. The statement proved here is the following: if the unknown phase shifts are in both of the two arms of the MZI, then the no-go theorem holds no matter whether the MZI is balanced or not. However, in the case where the unknown phas...