Transport properties of the two-orbital Kondo effect involving both spin and orbital (pseudospin) degrees of freedom were examined in a parallel double quantum dot (DQD) with a sufficient interdot Coulomb interaction and negligibly small interdot tunneling. The Kondo effect was observed at the interdot Coulomb blockade region with degeneracies of both spin and orbital degrees of freedom. When the orbital degeneracy is lifted by applying a finite detuning, the Kondo resonance exhibits triple-peak structure, indicating that both spin and orbital contributions are involved.The two-orbital Kondo effect is a many-body phenomenon that has been investigated for carbon-nanotube quantum dots (QDs), 1-4 vertical QDs, 5 and parallel double quantum dots (DQDs), 6-17 where a localized state in the QDs has spin and orbital (pseudospin) internal degrees of freedom. Since the orbital degree of freedom plays the role of pseudospin in addition to spin, the Kondo correlation involves both spin and pseudospin flip events, and their strong mixing leads to spin-orbital Kondo properties that are in marked contrast to an ordinary SU(2) spin-Kondo effect, in which only spin flip events are involved. [18][19][20] The spin-orbital Kondo system is characterized by an interorbital interaction V and intraorbital interaction U . Here U (V ) is associated with the spin (orbital) Kondo correlation, so the ratio V /U is the critical parameter for developing a strong mixing of the spin and orbital. Experimentally, the spin-orbital Kondo effect has been observed in carbonnanotube QDs 1 and vertical QDs, 5 where the spin and orbital satisfy the SU(4) symmetry because U = V is satisfied. On the other hand, generally V < U in parallel DQDs, which consists of two capacitively coupled QDs, and the two topmost levels in each QD form a twoorbital Kondo system. This asymmetry between U and V makes it difficult to observe spin-orbital Kondo effects in this system; indeed, experimental observation of such effect has not been reported. [6][7][8] In this paper, we investigate the transport properties of the two-orbital Kondo effect in a parallel DQD in a region where both V and U are strong enough to enhance both spin and spin-orbital Kondo temperatures so that we can compare them. At a charge boundary between (N + 1, M ) and (N, M + 1), where N (M ) denotes the electron number in the left (right) dot, the two states can be regarded as up and down pseudospin states that are energetically degenerate. We focus on the case with either or both of N and M being odd, where in addition to the orbital, the spin degree of freedom naturally comes into play. Along this charge boundary, where transport should be prohibited by interdot Coulomb interaction, we observe a Kondo-like enhancement of the conductance through the left dot characterized by a clear zero-bias peak (ZBP) and temperature scaling. As the orbital degeneracy is lifted by applying a finite detuning, the Kondo resonance splits into triple peaks, demonstrating that both spin and orbital contributions are in...