The out-of-plane resistivity (ρc) and magnetoresistivity (MR) are studied in antiferromangetic (AF) N d2−xCexCuO4 single crystals, which have three types of noncollinear antiferromangetic spin structures. The apparent signatures are observed in ρc(T ) measured at the zero-field and 14 T at the spin structure transitions, giving a definite evidence for the itinerant electrons directly coupled to the localized spins. One of striking feature is an anisotropy of the MR with a fourfold symmetry upon rotating the external field (B) within ab plane in the different phases, while twofold symmetry at spin reorientation transition temperatures. The intriguing thermal hysteresis in ρc(T, B) and magnetic hysteresis in MR are observed at spin reorientation transition temperatures.PACS numbers: 74.25. Fy, 74.72.Jt, High-T c superconductivity occurs in cuprates when doping introduces sufficient holes or electrons into the CuO 2 planes. It is generally believed that the pairing necessary for supercoductivity involves the interplay between the doped charges and the AF spin correlation. In this sense, the study of lightly doped, insulating AF state is important because the density of the carriers can be sufficiently low that the interaction between them is small relative to their interaction with the Cu +2 spins. Many intriguing and anomalous phenomena show up in lighly doped AF cuprates due to the strong coupling between charges and magnetic order of the Cu 2+ spins[1, 2, 3, 4].In the hole doped cuprates, the Neel order is rapidly suppressed by doped hole, resulting in a "spin-glass" state [5] and a strong tendency to form spin-charge textures or "stripes" [6]. However, the long-rang AF order in electron-doped N d 2−x Ce x CuO 4 persists to much larger x (≥0.12) [7], and coexists with superconductivity for even the optimal doping material (x=0.15) with Tc=25 K [8]. In addition, the Cu +2 spins order in an AF collinear structure for the parent compounds (such as: La 2 CuO 4 and Y Ba 2 Cu 3 O 6 ) of hole-doped cuprates [9,10], while in AF noncollinear structure for that of electron-doped cuprates: P r 2 CuO 4 and N d 2 CuO 4 [11,12]. All spins point either parallel or antiparallel to a single direction in AF collinear structure, while the spins in adjacent layers are orthogonal in AF noncollinear structure. Magneticfield induced a transition from noncollinear to collinear spin arrangement in adjacent CuO 2 planes for lightly electron-doped P r 1.3−x La 0.7 Ce x CuO 4 with x=0.01 crystals affects significantly both the in-plane and out-ofplane resistivity [4]. In N d 2 CuO 4 , the Cu 2+ spins order in three phases with two different AF noncollinear spin structures and experience two reorientation phase transitions [11,13,14,15] as shown in Fig.1. Such reorientation phase transition is absent in P r 2 CuO 4 [16].Magnetoresistance (MR) provides new insight into the coupling between the charges and the background magnetism. Previous experiments [1,3,4] have demonstrated that out-of-plane resistivity is sensitive to the interlayer magn...