We study the ground state phase diagram of a one-dimensional two qubits Dicke-Hubbard model with XY qubit-qubit interaction. We use a numerical method combing the cluster mean-field theory and the matrix product state(MPS) to obtain the exact wave function of the ground state. When counter-rotating wave terms(CRTs) in the qubit-cavity coupling are neglected, we observe a rich phase diagram including a quantum phase transition between the Mott-insulating phase and the superfluid phase. This phase transition can be either the first-order or the second-order type depending on whether the total angular momentum changes across the phase diagram. Moreover, we observe two quantum triple points, at which three different phases coexist, with both positive and negative XY interactions. By further considering the effect of CRTs, we find that the main feature in the previous phase diagram, including the existence of quantum triple points, is retained. We also show that CRTs extremely demolish the non-local correlations in the coherent phase.