To understand the band bending caused by metal contacts, we study the potential and charge density induced in graphene in response to contact with a metal strip. We find that the screening is weak by comparison with a normal metal as a consequence of the ultra-relativistic nature of the electron spectrum near the Fermi energy. The induced potential decays with the distance from the metal contact as x −1/2 and x −1 for undoped and doped graphene, respectively, breaking its spatial homogeneity. In the contact region the metal contact can give rise to the formation of a p-p , n-n , p-n junction (or with additional gating or impurity doping, even a p-n-p junction) that contributes to the overall resistance of the graphene sample, destroying its electron-hole symmetry. Using the work functions of metal-covered graphene recently calculated by Khomyakov et al. [Phys. Rev. B 79, 195425 (2009)] we predict the boundary potential and junction type for different metal contacts.