Abstract. The self-consistent vibrating potential model (VPM) is extended for the description of E,~ surface collective excitations in alkali metal clusters with practically any kind of static deformation. The case of spherical clusters is also covered. Any single-particle potentials and valence electron densities for which the coefficients of the muttipole expansion are known can be used within the model. The strength function method incorporated into the model allows one to avoid solving the equations for every state and, as a result, simplifies the calculations drastically. The model is of a quite general character and can also be used for description of giant resonances in atomic nuclei if the Coulomb terms are neglected. The VPM is applied to calculate the El, E2 and E3 excitations in spherical (NAB, Na2o and Na40) and deformed (Nalo, Na18 and Na26) dusters. 71.45.-d; 36.40. + d
I IntroductionCollective excitations (CE) associated with surface plasma oscillations are now a field of extensive investigation in alkali metal clusters (see, for example, recent papers [1-25] and references therein). Experimental data clearly demonstrate a resonance structure of these oscillations [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10]. Most of the experimental and theoretical investigations are devoted to the electric dipole (El) resonance. Information about electric resonances of higher multipolarity is very scarce and limited mainly by theoretical estimations [18,22,24,26].Valence electrons in alkali clusters are often considered as moving in a mean field with shells like in atomic *On leave of absence from Technical University Dresden, Institute for Analysis, D-01062 Dresden, Germany **Department of Nuclear Physics, Charles University, V. Holesovichkach 2, CS-18000 Praha 8, Czech Republic nuclei [27,28]. Single-particle potential describing a mean field can be obtained in the self-consistent way [29,30] or approximated by some phenomenological potential [31][32][33][34][35]. Vibration of a mean field, which is described in terms of residual correlations, leads to collective E2 excitations. It is known that investigation of CE is rather complicated in clusters with open shells, which possess quandrupole (as well as hexadecapote and octupole) deformation [5-10, 31, 33-38]. In these clusters deformation splitting and Landau damping can lead to a quite complicated picture of CE when collective strength is distributed over many peaks. At the same time, investigation of CE in deformed clusters is very important: just a deformation splitting of the E1 resonance provides the most reliable information about the magnitude of cluster's deformation. To overcome these troubles, the random phase approximation (RPA) with separable residual forces is suitable. This approach provides the microscopic accuracy of numerical results without time consuming calculations. The self-consistent version of this approach, so called vibrating potential model (VPM) [18,39,40], is especially attractive. In the VPM, the form of residual forces and their str...