Heisenberg interactions are ubiquitous in magnetic materials and have been prevailing in modeling and designing quantum magnets. Bonddirectional interactions 1-3 offer a novel alternative to Heisenberg exchange and provide the building blocks of the Kitaev model 4 , which has a quantum spin liquid (QSL) as its exact ground state. Honeycomb iridates, A 2 IrO 3 (A=Na,Li), offer potential realizations of the Kitaev model, and their reported magnetic behaviors may be interpreted within the Kitaev framework. However, the extent of their relevance to the Kitaev model remains unclear, as evidence for bonddirectional interactions remains indirect or conjectural. Here, we present direct evidence for dominant bond-directional interactions in antiferromagnetic Na 2 IrO 3 and show that they lead to strong magnetic frustration. Diffuse magnetic xray scattering reveals broken spin-rotational symmetry even above T N , with the three spin components exhibiting nano-scale correlations along distinct crystallographic directions. This spinspace and real-space entanglement directly manifests the bond-directional interactions, provides the missing link to Kitaev physics in honeycomb iridates, and establishes a new design strategy toward frustrated magnetism.Iridium (IV) ions with pseudospin-1/2 moments form in Na 2 IrO 3 a quasi-two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb network, which is sandwiched between two layers of oxygen ions that frame edge-shared octahedra around the magnetic ions and mediate superexchange interactions between neighboring pseudospins (Fig. 1a). Owing to the particular spin-orbital structure of the pseudospin 5,6 , the isotropic part of the magnetic interaction is strongly suppressed in the 90• bonding geometry of the edgeshared octahedra 2,3 , thereby allowing otherwise subdominant bond-dependent anisotropic interactions to play the main role and manifest themselves at the forefront of magnetism. This bonding geometry, common to many transition-metal oxides, in combination with the pseudospin that arises from strong spin-orbit coupling gives rise to an entirely new class of magnetism beyond the traditional paradigm of Heisenberg magnets. On a honeycomb lattice, for instance, the leading anisotropic interactions take the form of the Kitaev model 3 , which is a rare example of exactly solvable models with nontrivial properties such as Majorana fermions and non-abelian statistics, and with potential links to quantum computing 4 . Realization of the Kitaev model is now being intensively sought out in a growing number of materials 7-13 , including 3D extensions of the honeycomb Li 2 IrO 3 , dubbed "hyper-honeycomb" 7 and "harmonichoneycomb" 8 , and 4d transition-metal analogs such as RuCl 3 12 and Li 2 RhO 3 13 . Although most of these are known to magnetically order at low temperature, they exhibit a rich array of magnetic structures including zigzag 14-16 , spiral 17 , and other more complex non-coplanar structures 18,19 that are predicted to occur in the vicinity of the Kitaev QSL phase [20][21][22][23] , which hosts man...