Abstract. After a summary of the TQFT wire model formalism we bridge the gap from Kuperberg equations for SU (3) spiders to Ocneanu coherence equations for systems of triangular cells on fusion graphs that describe modules associated with the fusion category of SU (3) at level k. We show how to solve these equations in a number of examples.Key words: quantum symmetries; module-categories; conformal field theories; 6j symbols 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 81R50; 81R10; 20C08; 18D10
ForewordStarting with the collection of irreducible integrable representations (irreps) of SU (3) at some level k (constructed in the framework of affine algebras or in the framework of quantum groups at roots of unity), the problem is to decide whether a graph encoding the action of these irreps actually defines a "healthy fusion graph" associated with a bona fide SU (3) nimrep, i.e. a module over a particular kind of fusion category. This is done by associating a complex number (a "triangular cell") with every elementary triangle of the given graph in such a way that their collection (a "self-connection") obeys a system of non trivial quadratic and quartic equations, called Ocneanu coherence equations, that can be themselves derived from another set of equations (sometimes called Kuperberg equations) describing relations between the intertwiners of the underlying fusion category. One issue is to describe and derive the coherence equations themselves. Another issue is to use them on the family of examples giving rise to SU (3) nimreps. Both problems are studied in this article.Our paper consists of two largely independent parts. The first is a set of notes dealing with TQFT graphical models (wire models, spiders, etc.). Our motivation for this part was to show how the Ocneanu coherence equations for triangular cells of fusions graphs could be deduced from the so-called Kuperberg relations for SU (3), something that does not seem to be explained in the literature. This section was then enlarged in order to set the discussion in the larger framework of graphical TQFT models and to discuss some not so well known features that show up when comparing the SU (2) and SU (3) situations. Despite its size, this first part should not be considered as a general presentation of the subject starting from first principles, this would require a book, not an article. The second part of the paper deals about the coherence equations themselves. In particular we show, on a selection of examples chosen among quantum subgroups (module-categories) of type SU (3), how to solve them in order to obtain a self-connection on the corresponding fusion graphs.