We develop a theory of transverse thermoelectric (Peltier) conductivity, αxy, in finite magnetic field -this particular conductivity is often the most important contribution to the Nernst thermopower. We demonstrate that αxy of a free electron gas can be expressed purely and exactly as the entropy per carrier irrespective of temperature (which agrees with seminal Hall bar result of Girvin and Jonson). In two dimensions we prove the universality of this result in the presence of disorder which allows explicit demonstration of a number features of interest to experiments on graphene and other two-dimensional materials. We also exploit this relationship in the low field regime and to analyze the rich singularity structure in αxy(B, T ) in three dimensions; we discuss its possible experimental implications.
PACS numbers:The magnetothermoelectric Nernst-Ettingshausen effect [1] has enjoyed renewed interest in recent years, first as a probe of superconducting fluctuations, and more generally, as a novel transport characterization of electronic correlations. Following the initial work on the cuprates[2] strong magnetothermoelectricity was found in a variety of interesting materials. While precise theoretical treatment is lacking for most of these cases, phenomenological descriptions in terms of conventional weak-field quasiparticle transport theory [3,4,5,6] or effective classical hydrodynamic models [7,8] have been used with varied degree of success [9].In this letter we break from these earlier studies to treat finite field response directly, with no recourse to a low-field regime. Our chief accomplishment is the exact expression of the off-diagonal Peltier conductivity, α xy , in terms of entropy of free fermionic carriers (see Eqs. 5, 6, 7 and 10). In two dimensions we prove the universality of this expression (which also applies to Dirac fermions) in the presence of quenched disorder and compare it against available experimental data. In three dimensions we obtain, essentially in a closed form, the entire intricate singularity structure in α xy (as a function of magnetic field and temperature) inherited from the Landau level spectrum which bears strong resemblance to thermoelectric phenomenology of graphite [10]. We also examine the weak field limit, B → 0, where we predict a simple, α xy = −s/B, dependence on magnetic field and entropy density s. Quite generally, α xy is somewhat of a less studied and, hence, poorly understood quantity, at least as compared to electrical conductivity or entropy. Thus, our basic result directly linking α xy and entropy (importantly, without invoking the so called "entropy currents" used elsewhere in the literature [5,11]) is useful both for simplifying computations but also for developing intuition. Even if only approximate in more realistic models (e.g. with inelastic processes ignored by us here), it gives some credence to empirical associations of strong Nernst signatures with singular rearrangements of electronic structure, e.g. phase transitions. small thermal gradient is det...