We show that in clean chaotic cavities the power of shot noise takes a universal form. Our predictions go beyond previous results from random-matrix theory, in covering the experimentally relevant case of few channels. Following a semiclassical approach we evaluate the contributions of quadruplets of classical trajectories to shot noise. Our approach can be extended to a variety of transport phenomena as illustrated for the crossover between symmetry classes in the presence of a weak magnetic field.PACS numbers: 72.20.My, 72.15.Rn, 05.45.Mt, 03.65.Sq Ballistic chaotic cavities have universal transport properties, just as do disordered conductors. The explanation of such universality cannot rely on any disorder average but must make do with chaos in an individual clean cavity. We shall present here the semiclassical explanation of shot noise, relating the quantum properties of chaotic cavities to the interference between contributions of mutually close classical trajectories. Similar methods have recently been used for explaining universal spectral fluctuations of chaotic quantum systems [1,2], and to calculate the universal mean conductance in [3,4].Following Landauer and Büttiker [6,7], we treat transport as scattering between two leads attached to the cavity. One lead is assumed to support N 1 ingoing channels and the second one N 2 outgoing channels. In contrast to the random-matrix treatment of [5,7] and work on quantum graphs in [8], our results cover all orders in the inverse number of channels, N = N 1 + N 2 , and thus apply to the experimentally relevant case of few channels [9]. Previously unknown and surprisingly simple expressions for the shot noise arise, both with and without time reversal invariance (see Eq. (11) below).The transition amplitudes between ingoing channels a 1 and outgoing channels a 2 define an N 1 × N 2 matrix t = {t a1a2 }. That matrix determines the power of shot noise as P = tr(tt † − tt † tt † ) , in units 2e 3 |V | πh depending on the voltage V ; for us, . . . denotes an average over a small energy interval. Previous work had involved averages over ensembles of matrices t and obtained [5,7] (1) here β = 1 refers to the so-called "orthogonal case" of time-reversal invariant dynamics; if a magnetic field is applied to break time-reversal invariance ("unitary case", β = 2), the second ("weak localization") term disappears. Higher orders in 1 N are as yet unknown. In the semiclassical limit, each transition amplitude t a1a2 is given by a sum over trajectories α leading from an ingoing channel a 1 to an outgoing channel a 2 , t a1a2 ∼ α(a1→a2) Aα √ TH e iSα/h [10]. It can be shown that the absolute value of the initial angle of the relevant trajectories (i.e. the angle enclosed between the initial piece and the direction of the lead) is dictated by the ingoing channel, whereas the final angle is determined by the outgoing channel. The contribution of each trajectory depends on the Heisenberg time T H = Ω (2πh) f −1 , with Ω the volume of the energy shell and f the number of free...