We model atomic motion in a sliding superlattice potential to explore topological "charge pumping" and to find optimal parameters for experimental observation of this phenomenon. We analytically study the band-structure, finding how the Wannier states evolve as two sinusoidal lattices are moved relative to one-another, and relate this evolution to the center of mass motion of an atomic cloud. We pay particular attention to counterintuitive or anomalous regimes, such as when the atomic motion is opposite to that of the lattice.PACS numbers: 03.65. Vf, 67.85.Lm Introduction -Slow periodic changes in a lattice potential can transport charge. For a filled band, the integrated particle current per cycle in such an adiabatic pump is quantized [1]. We study a simple but rich example of this phenomenon, namely charge transport in a sliding superlattice, and draw attention to its counterintuitive properties such as regimes where the charge moves faster than the potential, or even travels in the opposite direction. We argue that this anomalous transport is observable in a cold atom experiment.The quantum mechanics of particles in a onedimensional (1D) superlattice is rich, displaying a fractal energy spectrum [2], and for incommensurate periods boasting a localization transition similar to what is seen in disordered lattices [3]. While recent studies have focused on the tight-binding limit (the Aubry-Andre model) [4-21], we study the continuous limit of the 1D superlattice, where, because of the weak potential, the single-particle spectra can be calculated perturbatively. Related cold atom proposals on quantized transport [22][23][24][25][26] have focused on the simplest superlattice where one sub-lattice constant is half of the other, and are therefore not in the anomalous regime which interests us.The 1D superlattice can be mapped onto the HarperHofstadter model [2,27]. The topological numbers (Chern numbers) associated with charge pumping can be mapped onto quantized Hall conductances [28,29]. Recent experiments involving artificial gauge fields on 2D optical lattice have aimed to measure these 2D Chern numbers [30][31][32][33][34]. There are also related studies based on measurement of Hall drift [35], Bloch oscillations [36,37], Zak phase [38][39][40], time-of-flight images [41][42][43], edge states [44][45][46][47][48][49], or density plateaus [50,51].In this letter, we study the charge transport in a 1D sliding superlattice, where the moving lattice period is an arbitrary rational multiple of the static lattice. We analytically calculate energy band gaps and the topological invariants which give the integrated adiabatic current per pumping cycle [1]. The fact that this current can be made arbitrarily large and/or opposite to the direction of the sliding potential is counterintuitive. We present a physical interpretation of this phenomenon in terms