The ratios of the production rates K * 0 (892)/K, φ/K, ρ 0 /π, ω/π, ∆ ++ ( The vector and pseudoscalar mesons, or decuplet and octet baryons, differ in the relative orientation of the quark spins. Therefore the ratios of their production rates, V /P and D/O, provide us with important information on spin dependence in fragmentation. Hadronization models predict V /P and D/O for promptly produced particles, not resulting from decays of other particles or resonances. Therefore apart from the models based on Monte-Carlo generators, such as the JETSET model [1], these predictions are difficult to test experimentally.In the nonrelativistic quark model, the mass difference of the vector and pseudoscalar mesons, decuplet and octet baryons is explained by the hyperfine mass splitting. The production rates exhibit a strong mass dependence. Therefore the vector-to-pseudoscalar and decuplet-to-octet suppressions could also be explained, at least qualitatively, by the hyperfine mass splitting [2,3] provided that the rates of promptly produced particles were reliably estimated.The simplest spin model of fragmentation, such as the model suggested in [4] and subsequently developed by Anisovich and his collaborators in many other papers, is a random combination of quark spin states giving V /P = 3 1 E-mail address: (P.V. Chliapnikov)