In this paper we present one-loop results for the renormalization of nonlocal quark bilinear operators, containing a staple-shaped Wilson line, in both continuum and lattice regularizations. The continuum calculations were performed in dimensional regularization, and the lattice calculations for the Wilson/clover fermion action and for a variety of Symanzik-improved gauge actions. We extract the strength of the one-loop linear and logarithmic divergences (including cusp divergences), which appear in such nonlocal operators; we identify the mixing pairs which occur among some of these operators on the lattice, and we calculate the corresponding mixing coefficients. We also provide the appropriate RI -like scheme, which disentangles this mixing nonperturbatively from lattice simulation data, as well as the one-loop expressions of the conversion factors, which turn the lattice data to the MS scheme. Our results can be immediately used for improving recent nonperturbative investigations of transverse momentum-dependent distribution functions on the lattice.Finally, extending our perturbative study to general Wilson-line lattice operators with n cusps, we present results for their renormalization factors, including identification of mixing and determination of the corresponding mixing coefficients, based on our results for the staple operators.