Baryon number fluctuations are sensitive to the QCD phase transition and the QCD critical point. According to the Feynman rules of finite-temperature field theory, we calculated various order moments and cumulants of the baryon number distributions in the quasi-particle model of the quark-gluon plasma. Furthermore, we compared our results with the experimental data measured by the STAR experiment at RHIC. It is found that the experimental data can be well described by the model for the colliding energies above 30 GeV and show large discrepancies at low energies. This puts a new constraint on the qQGP model and also provides a baseline for the QCD critical point search in heavy-ion collisions at low energies.
Moments of net-baryon distributions and quasi-particle model of QGPLattice QCD calculations indicate that at baryon chemical potential μ B = 0, the transition from the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) to a hadron gas is a smooth crossover, while at large μ B , the phase transition is of first order. The end point of the first order phase transition boundary is the so- On the other hand, the moments of the baryon number are related to the various order baryon number susceptibilities [4]. In order to cancel the volume, the products of the moments, Sσ and κσ 2 , are constructed as the experimental observables. The results in RHIC of these observables show a centrality and energy dependence [5], which are not reproduced by a non-CP transport and hadron resonance gas model calculations. The deviations of Sσ and κσ 2 below the Skellam expectation are qualitatively consistent with a QCDbased model which includes a CP [6]. The energy dependence of the κσ 2 of net-proton distributions in Au+Au collisions show non-monotonic behavior, which is consistent with being close to the CP [7,8].In this paper we apply the quasi-particle model (qQGP) of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) to calculate the moments of the net-baryon distributions. The qQGP model was first proposed by Peshier et al. [9] to study the non-ideal equation of state (EoS) by lattice QCD results. Instead of real quarks and gluons with QCD interactions, the system is considered to be made up of non-interacting quasi-quarks and quasigluons with thermal masses. Quasi-particles are thought to be quanta of plasma collective modes excited by quarks and gluons through QCD interactions.By now, some approaches have been proposed to study the qQGP model. The effective mass methods [9][10][11][12][13][14], the approaches based on the Polyakov loop [15][16][17][18][19], the approach based on Fermi liquids theory [20][21][22][23][24] and so on. Compared with the first and second approach, the third one is fundamentally different and powerful. Besides reproducing the EoS accurately, it is also successful in predicting the bulk and transport properties of QGP [20][21][22][23][24].Gorenstein and Yang pointed out that the initial quasiparticle model was thermodynamically inconsistent and then 123