Abstract. In this paper I discuss what we can learn about quarkonium dissociation from lattice-potential based models. Special emphasis is given to results obtained in agreement by different models, and to the relevance of lattice QCD for potential models. Future directions are also discussed.
PACS. PACS-key discribing text of that key -PACS-key discribing text of that keyWhy are we interested?One of the aims of relativistic heavy ion collisions is to produce quark-gluon plasma (QGP), a state of matter in which the constituents of our hadronic world are deconfined. Deconfinement is expected to happen at large energy densities, which can be obtained by heating matter to extreme high temperatures. High energy density matter has been already produced at SPS CERN and at RHIC BNL, and will be produced at the LHC, which just started its operation at CERN. To have control over what temperatures are achieved and whether deconfined matter has been produced we need a thermometer. The sequential melting of quarkonium has been long considered to be exactly that: the QGP thermometer [1]. In a deconfined matter the force between the constituents of a quarkonium state, a heavy quark and its antiquark, is weakened by the color screening produced by the light quarks and gluons. For twenty years it has been believed that this screening leads to the dissociation (melting) of quarkonium [2]. The different quarkonium states are expected to melt sequentially, at different temperatures. A suppressed yield of quarkonium can be visible in the dilepton spectrum, which is measured in experiments.J/ψ suppression has been indeed measured by the different experiments [3]. Understanding the data, however, turned out to be more complicated. The reason is that the suppression pattern seen is not only due to the hot medium effects of screening, but more like due to the interplay of this with effects of cold nuclear matter [4], as well as those of recombination [5]. In order to disentangle these different effects we must know the properties of quarkonium in-medium and determine their dissociation temperatures.a e-mail: amocsy@pratt.eduIn principle, everything about a given quarkonium channel is embedded in its spectral function: The position of a peak in the spectral function corresponds to the mass of a bound state, while its width determines its lifetime. Melting of a state corresponds to the disappearance of a peak. A spectral function also contains information about the continuum and its threshold. So following how the spectral function changes with temperature can give us a theoretical insight to the temperature-dependence of quarkonium properties. There are two main lines of theoretical studies to determine quarkonium spectral functions at finite temperature: potential models and lattice QCD. Potential models have been widely used to study quarkonium, but their applicability at finite temperature is still under scrutiny. Lattice QCD provides the most straightforward way to determine spectral functions, but the results suffer from discretiza...