Quantum anomalies are violations of classical scaling symmetries caused by quantum fluctuations. Although they appear prominently in quantum field theory to regularize divergent physical quantities, their influence on experimental observables is difficult to discern. Here, we discovered a striking manifestation of a quantum anomaly in the momentum-space dynamics of a 2D Fermi superfluid of ultracold atoms. We measured the position and pair momentum distribution of the superfluid during a breathing mode cycle for different interaction strengths across the BEC-BCS crossover. Whereas the system exhibits self-similar evolution in the weakly interacting BEC and BCS limits, we found a violation in the strongly interacting regime. The signature of scale-invariance breaking is enhanced in the first-order coherence function. In particular, the power-law exponents that characterize long-range phase correlations in the system are modified due to this effect, indicating that the quantum anomaly has a significant influence on the critical properties of 2D superfluids.Symmetries and their violations are fundamental concepts in physics. A prominent type is conformal symmetry which gives rise to the peculiar effect of scaleinvariance, where the properties of a system are unchanged under a transformation of scale. For instance, a Hamiltonian H(x) is said to be scale-invariant when H(λx) = λ α H(x), where λ is a scaling factor and α is a real number. Intriguingly, scaling symmetries such as these can be violated by quantum fluctuations, which is known as a quantum anomaly. Such anomalous symmetry breaking is widely discussed in quantum field theory [1], as they have fundamental implications in a wide range of scenarios, such as high-energy physics and phase transitions. However, experimental signatures of this effect, particularly in many-body systems, have so far been elusive. Here, we report the direct observation of a quantum anomaly in the dynamics of a two-dimensional Fermi superfluid.Two-dimensional systems with contact interactions, V (x) ∝ δ 2 (x), are particularly interesting in the context of scale-invariance violation, because the δ 2 potential does not introduce a characteristic scale to the Hamiltonian. At the classical level, the transformation x → λx rescales the interaction potential as V (λx) = λ −2 V (x) exactly the same way as the kinetic energy and therefore the classical 2D gas is intrinsically scale-invariant [2,3]. However at the quantum mechanical level, this is no longer true since the δ 2 scattering potential supports a two-body bound state for arbitrarily weak attraction. This additional binding energy scale E B and the associated scattering length scale a 2D effectively break the scaling relation between interaction and kinetic energy, which leads to a quantum anomaly.An important question is, how does this quantum anomaly influence the behavior of 2D systems at macroscopic scales? This is especially relevant for 2D superfluids which exhibit algebraic -hence scale-free -decay of phase correlations [4,5]...