Converting CO2 into C
n>2 hydrocarbons has been a significant challenge, but recent
has shown that cadmium (Cd) can be used to produce C2–7 hydrocarbons (C
and C
H2n+2) directly through electrochemical CO2 reduction
in a K2HPO4/KH2PO4 buffer.
The production of hydrocarbons was found to be enhanced by engineering
the interface of the Cd surface with other transition metals. This
process imitates the Fischer–Tropsch (F–T) synthesis,
which involves surface polymerization reactions that couple carbon
atoms together, resulting in the formation of long-chain hydrocarbons
via the insertion of CO and CH
While the formate path was almost completely suppressed, the CO path
remained. While the current Faradaic efficiency may be low, this study
highlights the potential of electrochemical CO reduction for Cd. The
study demonstrates that CO and H can directly participate in F–T
synthesis through electrochemistry. Furthermore, Cd was observed to
recrystallize into stacked wall structures resembling flowers after
the electrochemical process. As a result, this research provides crucial
insights that can aid in a better understanding of C–C coupling
paths via electrochemistry.