Abstract. Let a(z) = i∈Z a i z i be a complex valued continuous function, defined for |z| = 1, such that +∞ i=−∞ |ia i | < ∞. Consider the semi-infinite Toeplitz matrix T (a) = (t i,j ) i,j∈Z + associated with the symbol a(z) such that t i,j = a j−i . A quasi-Toeplitz matrix associated with the continuous symbol a(z) is a matrix of the form A = T (a) + E where E = (e i,j ), i,j∈Z + |e i,j | < ∞, and is called a CQT-matrix. Given a function f (x) and a CQT matrix M , we provide conditions under which f (M ) is well defined and is a CQT matrix. Moreover, we introduce a parametrization of CQT matrices and algorithms for the computation of f (M ). We treat the case where f (x) is assigned in terms of power series and the case where f (x) is defined in terms of a Cauchy integral. This analysis is applied also to finite matrices which can be written as the sum of a Toeplitz matrix and of a low rank correction.Key words. Matrix functions, Toeplitz matrices, Infinite matrices 1. Introduction. Functions of finite matrices have received a lot of interest in the literature both for their theoretical properties and for the many applications they have in real world problems. We refer the interested reader to the book [16] for more details. Among the available different definitions of matrix function, which are equivalent under mild hypotheses, many rely on the Jordan canonical form of the matrix argument or on its Schur form. As a consequence, they are not directly generalizable to the setting of infinite matrices. However, there are two definitions which apparently seem to be more suited for extending the concept of function to infinite matrices. They rely on the Laurent series expansion, and on the integral representation through the Dunford Cauchy formula [16].In the set of matrices with infinite size there is a class which is a cornerstone for numerical linear algebra. It is the class of Toeplitz matrices T (a) = (t i,j ) associated with a function a(z) = i∈Z a i z i , called symbol, defined by t i,j = a j−i . Toeplitz matrices are widely analyzed in the literature, from the pioneering papers by O. Toeplitz, to the seminal monograph by Grenander and Szegő [14], until to the more recent and wide contributions given by several international research groups, including, but not limited to, the books In some problems, typically encountered in the analysis of stochastic processes, like bi-dimensional random walks in the quarter-plane, one has to deal with matrices of the kind A = T (a) + E, where T (a) is a semi-infinite Toeplitz matrix, while E = (e i,j ) is a non-Toeplitz correction such that i,j∈Z + |e i,j | < ∞. We call this class of matrices Quasi-Toeplitz matrices, in short QT matrices, and denote them with QT . We consider the subset of QT matrices whose symbol a(z) is differentiable and both a(z) and a(z) ′ belong to the Wiener class. We call the latter as the set of CQT matrices and we denote it with CQT .From the computational point of view, one has to solve matrix equations where the coefficients are CQT matrices, o...