A theoretical description of electronic Raman scattering from GaAs/AlxGa1−xAs artificial atoms under the influence of an external magnetic field is presented. Raman spectra with laser excitation energy in the interval Egap−30 meV to Egap are computed in the polarized and depolarized geometry. The polarization ratios for the collective and single-particle excitations indicate a breakdown of the Raman polarization selection rules once the magnetic field is switched on. A Raman intensity jump rule at the band gap is predicted in our calculations. This rule can be a useful tool for identifying the physical nature (charge or spin) of the electronic excitations in quantum dots in low magnetic fields. Schüller et al. 2,3 obtained Raman spectra dominated by collective excitations by illuminating the samples with lasers whose energy values were well (40 meV) above the effective band-gap of the dot. Two types of collective modes were found; the charge-density excitations (CDEs) and the spin-density excitations (SDEs) and these can be distinguished by polarization selection rules. CDEs are observed when the polarizations of the incident and scattered light are parallel to each other (polarized geometry), while SDEs are detected in a configuration where the scattered light polarization is perpendicular to the incident one (depolarized geometry). These polarization selection rules are obtained in the framework of the offresonant approximation (ORA) 4 where the Raman transition amplitude is directly determined by the multipole strength functions of the final excited states. The authors in Ref. [4] investigate the limits to the general use of the ORA depending on the quantum numbers of the final excited states and the characteristic lateral confinement energy of the quantum dot. For a laser excitation energy, hν i , below band-gap the off-resonant regime is only reached for monopolar and quadrupolar modes when hν i ≤ E gap − 30 meV 4 . Strong Raman peaks, appearing in both geometries, when the energy of the incident light is quite close to the effective band-gap (extreme resonance regime), were interpreted by Lockwood et al. 5 in terms of single-particle excitations (SPEs). More recently, Brocke et al. 6 reported the first observations of a few-electron CDEs in InGaAs self-assembled quantum dots by means of Raman spectroscopy.In this paper, we compute the near-resonance Raman spectrum of a medium-size disk-shaped quantum dot containing 42 electrons in an external magnetic field applied perpendicular to the plane of the dot. The method and approximations used to obtain the many-body wave functions and energies of the required states are explained in Ref. [7]. Energies and wave-functions of the final excited states are obtained by means of the random phase approximation 8 (RPA). The calculation of the monopole operator matrix elements between each final state and the ground state, allows the identification of the collective modes (CDEs, SDEs) and the SPEs. By computing the Raman polarization ratios we evaluate the extent to whic...