We theoretically characterize the semiclassical dynamics of an ensemble of atoms after a sudden quench across a driven-dissipative second-order phase transition. The atoms are driven by a laser and interact via conservative and dissipative long-range forces mediated by the photons of a singlemode cavity. These forces can cool the motion and, above a threshold value of the laser intensity, induce spatial ordering. We show that the relaxation dynamics following the quench exhibits a long prethermalizing behaviour which is first dominated by coherent long-range forces, and then by their interplay with dissipation. Remarkably, dissipation-assisted prethermalization is orders of magnitude longer than prethermalization due to the coherent dynamics. We show that it is associated with the creation of momentum-position correlations, which remain nonzero for even longer times than mean-field predicts. This implies that cavity cooling of an atomic ensemble into the selforganized phase can require longer time scales than the typical experimental duration. In general, these results demonstrate that noise and dissipation can substantially slow down the onset of thermalization in long-range interacting many-body systems. The quest for a systematic understanding of nonequilibrium phenomena is an open problem in theoretical physics for its importance in the description of dynamics from the microscopic up to astrophysical scales [1-3]. Aspects of these dynamics are studied in the relaxation of systems undergoing temporal changes (quenches) of the control field across a critical point [4][5][6]. Quenches across a non-equilibrium phase transition provide further insight into the interplay between noise and external drives on criticality and thermalization [7,8]. In this context photonic systems play a prominent role, thanks to their versatility [9][10][11][12][13][14][15].Polarizable particles in a high-finesse cavity, like in the setup illustrated in Fig. 1(a), offer a unique system to study relaxation in long-range interacting systems. Here, multiple photon scattering mediates particleparticle interactions whose range scales with the system size in a single-mode cavity [15][16][17][18]. In this limit, atomic ensembles in cavities are expected to share several features with other long-range interacting systems such as gravitational clusters and non-neutral plasmas in two or more dimensions [3,16,19]. The equilibrium thermodynamics of these systems can exhibit ensemble inequivalence [3,20], while quasi-stationary states (QSS) typically characterise the out-of-equilibrium dynamics [3,[21][22][23]. QSS are metastable states in which the system is expected to remain trapped in the thermodynamic limit, they are Vlasov-stable solutions and thus depend on the initial state. So far, however, evidence of QSS has been elusive. It has been conjectured that noise and dissipation can set a time scale that limits the QSS lifetime [24][25][26][27], and possibly gives rise to dynamical phase transitions [25]. In Ref. [28] it was shown that, in pr...