We study the connectedness locus N for the family of iterated function systems of pairs of affine-linear maps in the plane (the non-self-similar case).First results on the set N were obtained in joint work with P. Shmerkin [9]. Here we establish rigorous bounds for the set N based on the study of power series of special form. We also derive some bounds for the region of " * -transversality" which have applications to the computation of Hausdorff measure of the selfaffine attractor. We prove that a large portion of the set N is connected and locally connected, and conjecture that the entire connectedness locus is connected. We also prove that the set N has many zero angle "cusp corners," at certain points with algebraic coordinates.Observe thata n T n b : a n ∈ {0, 1}(1.2) since the right-hand side is well-defined (that is, the sums converge because T is a contraction, and the set is compact and non-empty) and satisfies (1.1).We can assume that all the eigenvalues of T have spectral (geometric) multiplicity one, and b is a cyclic vector for T , that is, H := Span{T k b : k ≥ 0} = R d . There