A smooth stably complex manifold is called a totally tangentially/normally split manifold (TTS/TNSmanifold, for short, resp.) if the respective complex tangential/normal vector bundle is stably isomorphic to a Whitney sum of complex linear bundles, resp. In this paper we construct manifolds M s.t. any complex vector bundle over M is stably equivalent to a Whitney sum of complex linear bundles. A quasitoric manifold shares this property iff it is a TNS-manifold. We establish a new criterion of the TNS-property for a quasitoric manifold M via non-semidefiniteness of certain higher-degree forms in the respective cohomology ring of M . In the family of quasitoric manifolds, this generalises the theorem of J. Lannes about the signature of a simply connected stably complex TNS 4-manifold. We apply our criterion to show the flag property of the moment polytope for a nonsingular toric projective TNS-manifold of complex dimension 3.