“…The mol lus can assem blages found in sed i men tary de pos its can there fore be treated as autochthonous or paraautochthonous malacocenoses that in their eco log i cal struc ture are closely re lated to the con di tions pre vail ing dur ing de po si tion. Stud ies of malacocenoses in de pos its of small karst forms have been under taken in sev eral Eu ro pean coun tries, in par tic u lar in the Czech Re pub lic and Slovakia (e.g., Ložek, 1972aLožek, , b, 1980Ložek, , 1981Ložek, , 1989Ložek, , 2012, Rus sia (e.g., Yakovlev et al, 2013;Danukalova et al, 2014Danukalova et al, , 2020, Hun gary (e.g., Kemencei et al, 2014;Sümegi and Náfrádi, 2015) and Po land (e.g., Stworzewicz, 1973;Nadachowski et al, 1989;Alexandrowicz et al, 1992;Dagan-Gintner et al, 1992;Cyrek et al, 2000;Alexandrowicz and Stworzewicz, 2003;Alexandrowicz, 1992Alexandrowicz, , 2000aAlexandrowicz, , b, 2001Alexandrowicz and Rudzka, 2006;Szymanek et al, 2016;Krajcarz et al, 2020;Wilczyñski et al, 2020).…”