Variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) with a unitary coupled cluster (UCC) ansatz has been suggested as a promising method for electronic structure calculations on future quantum computers. However, the complexity of the excitation terms for UCC with the single and double excitations (UCCSD) ansatz is up‐bounded to O()M−N2N2, where N is the number of electrons and M is the number of spin orbitals. The gate complexity of quantum circuit for the UCCSD ansatz is up‐bounded to OM()M−N2N2 using the Jordan–Wigner transformation. These complexities significantly limit the implementation of UCCSD on current Noisy Intermediate‐Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. Herein, we developed a k‐QUpCCGSD ansatz which is based on the generalized paired double excitation operators and the particle preserving exchange gate. The former reduces the number of the excitation operators, the latter reduces the number of qubit gates for transforming excitation operators to quantum circuit. The gate complexity of the proposed k‐QUpCCGSD ansatz is up‐bounded to O(kM2), which significantly reduce the complexity of the VQE algorithm on NISQ devices. The performance of the proposed ansatz on VQE is demonstrated by calculating ground‐state dissociation energy curves of the H6, LiH, H2O, and BeH2 molecules with the STO‐3G minimal basis set, and the accuracy is evaluated by comparing to the full configuration interaction (FCI) benchmarks. Moreover, we compare the number of quantum gates, especially the CNOT gates, and accuracies of various ansatzes. The assessments have shown that the accuracy of qubit unitary coupled cluster (QUCC) ansatzes is slightly worse than that of the UCC ones, but the circuit complexity of QUCC is much less than that of UCC. Among the tested QUCC ansatzes, k‐QUpCCGSD achieves higher accuracy with fewer quantum gates than QUCCSD, and k‐QUpCCGSD is a promising ansatz for VQE calculation on NISQ devices.