Introduction: Heart and kidney diseases are common among patients admitted to hospital and they coexist in a significant number of cases. The interactions between the cardiovascular system and the kidney have been known and described for many years and have led to the description of cardio-renal syndrome. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency; to describe the clinical, etiological and prognostic aspects of acute renal failure in patients hospitalized for chronic congestive heart failure. Method: This was a descriptive retrospective study from January 2, 2018 to December 31, 2022. Included in this study were all the complete records of patients hospitalized for chronic congestive heart failure with serum creatinine ≥120 µmol/I. We're not included in this study, incomplete files, records of patients hospitalized for other pathologies, records of patients hospitalized for chronic congestive heart failure with normal renal function. Our study variables were qualitative and quantitative divided into clinical, paraclinical and prognostic data. Our data were analyzed using the EPI-info software. Data entry and presentation were carried out using Word, Excel and PowerPoint from the 2016 Office Pack. Results: We collected 830 files of which 114 met our selection criteria, a frequency of 13.73%. The mean age of the patients was 47 ± 19 years. The F/M sex ratio was 1.23. The dominant etiologies were hypertension followed by diabetes with respectively 60.5% and 23.7%. Toxic factors including tobacco accounted for 7.9% of cases. Dyspnea accounted for 86.8%. Most of our patients were grade 3 or 36% based on systolic blood pressure on admission How to cite this paper: