Chemical oxygen-iodine lasers are unique in their ability to generate high-power beams with near diffraction limited beam quality. The operating wavelength, 1.315 μm is readily transmitted by the atmosphere and compatible with fiber optics beam delivery systems. However, applications of the laser are severely limited by logistical problems associated with the complex chemistry used to power the device. Electrical or microwave discharge excitation of oxygen-iodine lasers offers an attractive alternative that eliminates the chemical power generation problems and has the possibility of closedcycle operation. A discharge oxygen-iodine laser was first demonstrated in 2005. Since that time the power of the device has been improved by a factor of 400 and much has been learned concerning the physics and chemistry of the discharge driven system. Although our current understanding of the chemical kinetics is incomplete, parametric studies of laser performance show considerable promise for further scaling. This article reviews the basic principles of the discharge oxygen iodine laser, summarizes the most recent advances, and outlines some of the unresolved questions regarding the production and removal of excited species in the gas flow.