“…right protection/ privacy preservation of social network data, XMLs, graph coloring/partitioni ng solutions limited bandwidth in order to preserve graph structure; complexity of wm detection due to NPcomplete subgraph matching problem in particular for large graph datasets a constraint-based wm for graph coloring [53] and graph partitioning [54]; a querypreserving wm for graphs generated form map data [55] and XML documents [57]; XML wm by taking both the structure and content into account using a resilient canonical labelling [56]; overlaying a random-looking graph wm on a sub-graph extracted from the social network graph [58]; convolving a heapordered tree with control/data flow graph of a program [59] preserving key properties of graphs such as shortest path, transparency to graph partitioning tools, preserving high level semantics such as number of added colors to the original graph coloring solution often robustness against attacks such as graph surgery attacks or unauthorized detection is of importance Spatial data right protection / authentication of maps, shapes, geospatial data robust features selection is the most difficult part of watermarking schemes for spatial data; for a comprehensive list of challenges forn watermarking of geospatial data, readers are referred to [61] watermarking map data based on modification of B-spline control points of curves (using the IAM algorithm for aligning sample points) [62], or vertex coordinates of map shapes selected by the 'buffer-zone' algorithm [64], or key points of three feature layers [65], or spatial topological relations among polygons identified by Hilbert space-filling curve mapping [66], or formed intervals by interpolated virtual coordinates [69]; an optimum blind wm detector based on modelling Fourier descriptors of a vector map by a Rayleigh distribution [63]; a group-based wm using no visual distortion, preserving polygon shapes, maintaining geographical precision such as common boarders of countries, application-specific transparency zooming, data format change such as vector/rasterraster/vector conversions, etc interpolated vertices and the difference expansion method [68], or by modifying the polyline length and polygon area of feature layers through GMMbased clustering [67]; Spatiotemp oral data right protection/ authentication/dat a obfuscation of trajectories rare data redundancy limits wm capacity; nonsensitivity of trajectory shapes against spatial transformations, surviving common trajectory operations such as segmentation and compression embedding wm into distance ratio of selected coordinates of trajectories [72]; an additive wm with preserving NN structures [70]; a multiplicative with HC preservation …”