The popularity of blockchains has been steadily rising since its inception in 2009. Its original focus was the creation of a distributed trustless system for a digital currency. Bitcoin was the first widely used blockchain. However, many more have been further created: Ethereum, Solana, Hyperledger Fabric, to name a few. Due to it, blockchain networks and its properties are being scrutinised by data scientists. This topic is known as blockchain analysis. However, analysis ́ tasks are hard to be accomplished over multiple blockchains. Even though most have similar concepts, each one has its own data modeled differently. As a consequence, scientists end up needing to do rework in order to apply similar analytics and algorithms in more than one blockchain network. In fact, blockchain data modeling is an open issue. This master’s thesis aims at proposing an unified model for blockchain data. For the best of our knowledge, there is no similar work in the literature.