Sexually motivated homicides can be committed for a variety of reasons, rooted in the authors deviant personality, from reducing the victim to an object state and defeating its will to the violence of the sexual assault. The sexual assault, whether heterosexual or homosexual, and the manner of commission, involving sexual acts, sodomy or the insertion of objects, has a sexual motivation and the murder of the victim arises as a result of the brutality manifested through sadism and mutilation, specific for serial sexual abusers, or extreme violence in the case of non-serial sexual aggressors. Identifying the motivational factors of sexual abusers involves analyzing, from a psychological and criminological perspective, the way of committing the crime, the behavior of the attacker and his reporting to his acts, revealed during the interrogation. Knowing the motivational factors can play a fundamental role in shaping the psychological profile of the sexual aggressor.Corroborating the motivational factors with other elements of the authors criminal history or other behavioral marks of deviance leads to a psycho-footprint of the author, whose role can go beyond the strict investigation of the incriminated act, ranging from the identification of other acts previously committed by the assailant to anticipating its chances of rehabilitation. The present research brings to the forefront the interpretation of the motivational factors and their transposition into the criminal behavior of the authors and the general objective is to highlight the role of establishing their psycho-behavioral footprint in sexual crimes.