The content of digital television, which is a result of rapid technological developments, is made from documentaries, films and series, created for these platforms, as well as existing productions. The series of digital television are the productions that reflect the ideologies like the series of broadcast television. The signs of everyday life are constructed in discourses of television serials. The forms of masculinity and the interactions between them in patriarchal societies (Connell, 2016) are offered to audiences in these products. Hegemonic masculinity is a position of power. Hegemonic masculinity is a form of power that holds the right to express what someone else is, how someone else should be and uses its own position to conquer others. This power is defined and sustained by cultural practices. And television serials are the significant part of these cultural practices and the gender patterns presented in these TV serials also carry out a minor role in this production process. Digital television serials offer idealized hegemonic masculinities to their audiences. In this study five serials that broadcasted in BluTV and PuhuTV, the prominent digital television of Turkey, have been analyzed. "Masum", "Sıfır Bir-Bir Zamanlar Adana'da" in BluTV and "Şahsiyet", "Fi-Çi" and "Dip" in PuhuTV are analyzed with critical discourse analysis to find out which hegemonic masculinities are idealized and search out dominant hegemonic masculinity discourses.