DOI: 10.1186/1746-6148-9-200
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Questionnaire-based study to assess the association between management practices and mastitis within tie-stall and free-stall dairy housing systems in Switzerland

Abstract: BackgroundProphylactic measures are key components of dairy herd mastitis control programs, but some are only relevant in specific housing systems. To assess the association between management practices and mastitis incidence, data collected in 2011 by a survey among 979 randomly selected Swiss dairy farms, and information from the regular test day recordings from 680 of these farms was analyzed.ResultsThe median incidence of farmer-reported clinical mastitis (ICM) was 11.6 (mean 14.7) cases per 100 cows per y… Show more

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Cited by 20 publications
(25 citation statements)
References 43 publications
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“…The proportion of high SCC cows in tiestall systems was associated with BDCT, clean bedding material at calving, and use of total merit values to select bulls (Gordon et al, 2013). The proportion of high SCC cows in freestall operations was not associated with any of these management variables (Gordon et al, 2013). Thus, the presence or lack of employees may in part be a proxy for other variables that will, as in the Swiss study, affect the association of BTSCC for variables in our study.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 63%
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“…The proportion of high SCC cows in tiestall systems was associated with BDCT, clean bedding material at calving, and use of total merit values to select bulls (Gordon et al, 2013). The proportion of high SCC cows in freestall operations was not associated with any of these management variables (Gordon et al, 2013). Thus, the presence or lack of employees may in part be a proxy for other variables that will, as in the Swiss study, affect the association of BTSCC for variables in our study.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 63%
“…This suggests that differences may be present in confounding of variables between these subpopulations of herds due to variation in such factors as herd size, housing, bedding, and so on. For instance, a Swiss study found that management variables that are as-sociated with the incidence of clinical mastitis and the proportion of high SCC cows within a herd may differ depending on the type of housing (freestall or tiestall) on a dairy farm (Gordon et al, 2013). The proportion of high SCC cows in tiestall systems was associated with BDCT, clean bedding material at calving, and use of total merit values to select bulls (Gordon et al, 2013).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 98%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…However, others studies found no difference in SCC or Staphylococcus aureus in bulk tank milk between grazing and non-grazing conventional herds (Cicconi-Hogan et al, 2013b). These results show the complexity of multifactorial associations (Gordon et al, 2013) …”
Section: Output: Milk Yield Per Cowmentioning
confidence: 61%
“…The compromised floor and shed sanitation increases the chances of bacterial invasion to teat cannel (Gordon et al, 2013). The climatic factors also contribute to prevalence of SCM in cattle by increasing SCC and crossbred cattle prevalence is more since its high milk yield and low inherent factors of immunity.…”
Section: Advances In Animal Andmentioning
confidence: 99%