The performance of a disk system IS often measured in terms of the length of the waiting hne or queue of requests for each of the system's spindles Thus 1t is natural to formulate and analyze queuemg models of disk systems While most disk systems have certain characteristics, such as channel interference and concurrent seeks, in common, previous analyses have always been begun from scratch, without exploiting this commonahty We introduce a general queuelng model for disk systems, which incorporates the characteristics common to most disk systems, and use 1t in the approximate analyses of models of the IBM 2314 and 3330 disk systems Comparisons with simulation statistics show that the approximations made are very good over a wide range of arrival rates and system parameters We also show how to use the analytic results to investigate performance differences between devices KEY WORDS AND PHRASES disk storage, queuemg model, queuelng analysis, scheduling, secondary storage CR CATEGORIES 4 3, 4 41, 6 2, 6 35
lntroducttonMass storage devices are important elements of ttme shared and multiprogrammed computer systems because they provide the storage for both the permanent system and user files and the temporary files necessary for compilations, assembhes, etc Since the performance of a computer system is dependent on the speed with which files can be accessed, the mass storage devices of a system can have a significant effect on its overall performance. Thus it is important to study the behavior of mass storage devices and to develop mathematical models of thetr behavior from which performance predictions can be derwed. We formulate a general model for mass storage devices composed of several independent, moving head disk units attached to a single input/output channel. The model includes only the salient features of disk operation and is therefore not dependent on details of device architecture. We then perform a queueing analysis of the general model, and show how the results can be applied to two cases of practical interest, the IBM 2314 and 3330.Accessing a record on a moving head disk reqmres three sequential operations. First is the seek operation, in which the read/write heads are mechanically positioned to the cylinder containing the record that was requested and the read/write head for the proper surface is electromcally selected. Next the records passing under the read/write head are examined to find the one to be transferred; the disk is said to be latent during this searching operation, and the time taken Is the latency time. Some disk systems cannot store the identifier of the record which is to be located and transmitted. Consequently, each time a record appears under the read/write head, the identifier of the requested record must be transmitted through the channel to the disk so that a comparison can be made with the identifier of the record under the read/write head. Other systems dwlde the disk surfaces into sectors and reqmre that records begin on sector boundaries, so that