The pandemic caused by the SARS-COV2 virus, known as COVID-19 brought with it a series of challenges for educational and teaching institutions, since, from one moment to the next, the need for a massive migration from face-to-face education to online education, using educational technological tools, however, is considered that it is necessary to restructure teaching and implement a blenden learning model, which is characterized by the integration of various pedagogical and didactic resources in face-to-face and virtual environments to achieve meaningful learning through the construction of knowledge in subjects that are the basis for many careers in the health sciences such as Chemistry. The objective of this study was to analyze the relevance of implementing a hybrid model in education at the high school level in the Chemistry class, through the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies as educational tools. According to the results, the implementation of a b-learning model is an alternative strategy for the teaching-learning of Chemistry and, at the same time, makes it possible to reduce the health risk that situations such as contagion by COVID-19 or other potentially communicable diseases, since this model allows students to take classes virtually, and simultaneously in person, following contingency measures.