Abstract. The rational Cherednik algebra H is a certain algebra of differential-reflection operators attached to a complex reflection group W and depending on a set of central parameters. Each irreducible representation S λ of W corresponds to a standard module M (λ) for H. This paper deals with the infinite family G(r, 1, n) of complex reflection groups; our goal is to study the standard modules using a commutative subalgebra t of H discovered by Dunkl and Opdam. In this case, the irreducible W -modules are indexed by certain sequences λ of partitions. We first show that t acts in an upper triangular fashion on each standard module M (λ), with eigenvalues determined by the combinatorics of the set of standard tableaux on λ. As a consequence, we construct a basis for M (λ) consisting of orthogonal functions on C n with values in the representation S λ . For G(1, 1, n) with λ = (n) these functions are the non-symmetric Jack polynomials. We use intertwining operators to deduce a norm formula for our orthogonal functions and give an explicit combinatorial description of the lattice of submodules of M (λ) in the case in which the orthogonal functions are all well-defined. A consequence of our results is the construction of a number of interesting finite dimensional modules with intricate structure. Finally, we show that for a certain choice of parameters there is a cyclic group of automorphisms of H so that the rational Cherednik algebra for G (r, p, n) is the fixed subalgebra. Our results therefore descend to the rational Cherednik algebra for G (r, p, n) by Clifford theory.