“…The orbit category (the skew group algebra) J(Q, W )/G was computed up to Morita equivalence as the form J(Q G , W G ) for some quiver with potentials (Q G , W G ) by Paquette-Schiffler in [36] in the case that G is a finite subgroup of the automorphisms group of J(Q G , W G ) acting freely on vertices. On the other hand, the orbit dg category (the skew group dg algebra) Γ(Q, W )/G was computed up to Morita equivalence as the form Γ(Q G , W G ) for some quiver with potentials (Q G , W G ) by Le Meur in [37] in the case that G is a finite group (see also Amiot-Plamondon [1] for the case that G = Z/2Z, Giovannini and Pasquali [24] for the cyclic case, and Giovannini, Pasquali and Plamondon [25] for the finite abelian case). We remark that for both J(Q, W ) and Γ(Q, W ), the quiver Q G can be computed by using a result by Demonet in [20] on the computation of the skew group algebra of the path algebra of a quiver with an action of a finite group, and in the arbitrary group case, Q G can be computed from a non-admissible presentation given in [9] by making it as an admissible presentation.…”