Facing the natural disaster that often occurs in southeast Asia, ASEAN has established the AHA Center. One of the AHA center functions is to deliver news about natural disasters which it monitors using information technology (IT). However, not all-natural disasters in one member country are monitored, only those requested by their members. Therefore, each member country also makes its information system. One of them is disaster preparedness in the Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. The Padang in addition to the tourism center of West Sumatra, which is known for its natural beauty and its cultural uniqueness, is also listed as one of the cities in Indonesia that often experiences natural disasters. Due to the frequent occurrence of natural disasters, especially the issue of a massive earthquake followed by a tsunami, tourists are afraid to visit the Padang. Though many unique tourist attractions that can be enjoyed by tourists. To overcome this problem, tourists who come to the Padang need to be equipped with information about which areas have been or are affected by a disaster. That information should be available at any time and can be accessed from anywhere. With that information, tourists will feel safe and have made disaster preparedness. So that tourists are no longer afraid, and they will visit the Padang. For this reason, a web and mobile Geographic Information System (GIS) application have been developed to map disaster areas in the Padang. This GIS application was developed in several stages, namely data collection, application development and testing the system. This GIS application was implemented using programming languages such as PHP, Javascript, and B4A. The database used to store disaster data was PostgreSQL/PostGIS. Google Maps was used to visualize disaster maps. This GIS application can be used by tourists and the government to view disaster information